2:00 pm Homcoming Parade
6:30 pm Class of ‘74 Reunion | The Landing | 119 NE 3rd | FCHS 74 Website
7:45 am Golf 2 Man Best Ball | Fairfield Golf Course | 7:45 am for 8am Shotgun Start | REGISTER
8:00 am Pickleball | REGISTER
10:00 am FCHS building tour by Mr. Wells | Meet at the Beezeway Door on King Street by 10 am
10:0O am -2:00 pm HANNA HOUSE
12:00 pm Tailgate | Train Yard
1:00 pm Homecoming Game | Fairfield vs Flora
5:30 pm Alumni Dinner @ the Elks | 5:30 | ONLINE REGISTRATION
Schedule subject to change and additions TBA, so check back for the latest!
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